Classroom of the Elite Y2V6 Summary

Please refer to Denj and jhelan’s translation of the trial:


Chapter 1 Intro

Chapter 1 P1

Chapter 1 P2

Chapter 1 (continued)

The next day, three people were absent again. Since the three of them hadn’t gone to get a medical checkup, Ayanokouji wonders how long the school will allow this to continue. He mentions that a rift has been formed between the new couple of Ike and Shinohara thanks to the information that Kushida revealed. Similarly, Kei, Matsushita and Mori were no longer on speaking terms with Shinohara. Even the likes of Satou and Maezono haven’t been speaking to Shinohara, likely due to the awkwardness. The class wasn’t united and there were problems that needed to be solved before they could decide how to allocate members of the class to different events for the sports festival. Chabashira sends a message to Ayanokouji’s tablet and requests to meet him. No one notices him standing up and leaving the classroom since his seat is in a corner of the classroom next to the exit.

Chabashira says that an issue has come up, with Airi spending 5000 private points after the special exam. Expelled students are supposed to be stripped of their private points to prevent them from passing it on to other students. This time, the school is still considering whether to allow what Airi tried to do. We as the reader aren’t told what she spent it for, but Chabashira tells Ayanokouji and we also know that Airi’s usage of the points has something to do with him. When Chabashira asks Ayanokouji what to do with Airi’s will, he answers to just leave it as it is. The school will officially accept it as ‘private points spent by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka’. Chabashira is relieved that this one case is now over since she already had enough on her plate regarding the current state of the class.

Chapter 2

The next day, Hirata asks Ayanokouji if he could have a bit of his time later to talk about Shinohara, Kushida and Haruka. Hirata invites Kei to join them as well and after receiving Ayanokouji’s consent, he happily leaves for his soccer club training.

The appointment with Hirata is at 7:30 PM, so at 5:30 PM Kei pops in to Ayanokouji’s room to have some alone time with him. Now that they’re openly dating, they don’t have to be secretive about meeting up like they were before. After Kei comments on Ayanokouji’s room becoming like a second home to her recently, Ayanokouji asks her how the girls in their class were reacting to their relationship. She awkwardly tries to brush off the question but then admits that a lot of the girls thinks it’s a waste that she dumped Hirata to be with Ayanokouji. She then brightens up and says that Ayanokouji’s reputation has also been rising recently. It’s revealed that thanks to Ayanokouji’s private tutoring, Kei’s academic OAA has risen to 48 (C). He then says he’s going to make some omurice and asks her if she wants any to which she responds with enthusiasm. Apparently, ever since they started dating, Ayanokouji had often made food for Kei. He thinks that it doesn’t matter whether the man or woman is the one who cooks since the one who’s good at it should do it. To compensate, Kei helps make up for his poor communication skills by livening up any conversations. As he’s cutting the onions, Kei snuggles up to him from behind. She tells him to ignore her but eventually starts hugging him until he can’t keep cooking any more.

Kei feels bad about the current relationship with Shinohara and says she likes Shinohara and considers her a funny girl who livens the atmosphere just by being around. She regrets saying mean things about Ike. She asks Ayanokouji if he’s going to hate her for what she said, but Ayanokouji says that everyone says bad things about others and you just have to make sure the person in question doesn’t end up hearing what you say about them. Kei says she’s tried to patch things up with Shinohara but it doesn’t feel like the other side has any intention of reconciling. She asks Ayanokouji for his advice. He says he’ll think about it and asks her to give him some time. She then tries to ask Ayanokouji about something to do with Sakura and OAA but then decides to put it off. However, Ayanokouji guesses her intentions to ask him what he would have done if she were at the bottom of the OAA rankings. Ayanokouji tells her that just like he said in Ike’s favour, if two people had similar OAA, he would prioritise the one with more friends so Kei wouldn’t have been in danger. She then anxiously asks him what he would have done if she didn’t have any friends. He says that speculating about that would be pointless because if Karuizawa Kei was someone with that kind of personality, they wouldn’t have the relationship they have now. She asks him if he would have expelled someone else in that situation if they were exactly like her. He says that he would if he were only looking at their ability. However, that person would not be the Karuizawa Kei who was bullied and then secured her position amongst the class’ top caste using Hirata before eventually meeting and dating himself. However, Kei is a bit dissatisfied with his answer and pouts since she wanted him to say that he would protect her regardless of who she was. To fix Kei’s mood, he let her lay in his lap as he stroked her head. She says she trusts Ayanokouji’s judgment and has no objection to his choice of expelling Airi. But she asks him whether Horikita made the right choice in saving Kushida since she personally didn’t agree with that decision. Ayanokouji asks her what she thinks is the main difference between Airi and Kushida. Kei thinks it’s the difference in their academics and sporting abilities, but Ayanokouji says that while those things are a factor, the most important element is the possibility of Kushida awakening Horikita’s true potential as a leader. He thinks she’ll fill in a role as Horikita’s partner which neither Hirata nor Kei would be able to do. He considers Kushida’s perspective, her thought processes and her communication ability to all be unique skills which no one else has and hopes they will eventually become Horikita’s strength.

Ayanokouji says that this isn’t the sort of process where you’d be able to see the results after only 1 or 2 days so it’s inevitable that the likes of Haruka might hold a grudge against him. However, he also thinks that their classmates had too much faith in Horikita so by lighting a fire under them like this, they’d realise they’d need to think more for themselves. Later, while Ayanokouji is washing the dishes, Kei keeps trying to distract him so that they’d be able to spend a little more time together before Hirata arrives. He stops washing the dishes and sits down next to her on the bed and kisses her. The kiss tastes like omurice. After several minutes, they are interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Hirata smiles warmly at Kei when she welcomes him in. Since he’s been looking after Kei ever since they enrolled at the school, Hirata is the one who’s most pleased by her current bright and energetic personality. Hirata asks Ayanokouji for advice to fix the class’ interpersonal relationships. Ayanokouji tells him that from now on, he should first consult Horikita since she was technically the class leader. Hirata says that she was busy with trying to bring back Kushida so he thought Ayanokouji would be more appropriate. Ayanokouji asks him what he would have done if the roles were reversed and he were the one busy trying to bring back Kushida instead of Horikita. Hirata is lost for words and then admits he trusts Ayanokouji’s judgment more than Horikita’s. Kei agrees with him, saying it’s obvious she’d trust Ayanokouji more. Ayanokouji admonishes Hirata and Kei because if the two of them didn’t trust Horikita’s judgment, she would never be able to truly be a leader. Ayanokouji says that if there’s a problem that Hirata and Horikita would be unable to overcome even after combining their strengths, at that time, he’ll be happy to lend them his help.

After talking a bit more, Hirata asks if he could talk to Ayanokouji with just the two of them. Kei doesn’t have any objections and leaves. Hirata asks Ayanokouji if he has any ideas to solve the issue to which he replies that he doesn’t know how to help with regards to Haruka and Kushida. Hirata picks up the implication that he has a plan to bring back Mii-chan. When he eagerly asks what the plan is despite Ayanokouji’s warning, Ayanokouji tells him that accepting Mii-chan’s feelings would solve everything. Hirata frowns and says he doesn’t want to disrespect Mii-chan’s feelings. Ayanokouji says it was the same when he pretended to go out with Kei because he indirectly rejected a lot of girls by being in a fake relationship. He asks Hirata if he’d be able to reject her if Mii-chan told him that if he doesn’t accept her feelings she’d never return to the class. He then tells Hirata his only options would be to go out with her despite telling her he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings or to lie to her and pretend he likes her as well. He can then try to develop feelings for her afterwards. Hirata says those are things he cannot do and then says that Ayanokouji is strong. Even though Hirata was still trembling from the feeling of expelling Airi, Ayanokouji wasn’t showing any signs of it affecting him at all. Hirata has PTSD of the feeling of pressing his finger against the button on the tablet. Ayanokouji praises Hirata for suppressing his feelings during the exam. He knows that Hirata was not convinced that they should expel an innocent harmless student such as Airi but he still suppressed his feelings and endured. In that situation, if Hirata had spoken, their classmates who were against the idea would have gotten a second wind and unanimity would have been impossible. Hirata says that all the students with poor grades were now terrified that they would be the next on the chopping block. Hirata starts wondering whether he should have chosen to let time run out instead. Ayanokouji thinks that the fact he was still able to go ahead with the expulsion is a sign of his growth. As Hirata turns to leave, Ayanokouji asks if he has a grudge for Airi’s expulsion. Hirata says he doesn’t agree with how they handled this case but he trusts Ayanokouji. But after thinking for a moment, he says “No, it’s more that I want to be able to believe in you.” He has a strong will in his eyes that implies “I believe in you so don’t betray my trust”.

The next day, the three people still haven’t returned to school. Sudou calls Ayanokouji and they head out to the men’s washroom together. Ayanokouji once again notes that his seat location is convenient. But as they leave the classroom, Onodera also follows them and calls out to Sudou but then notices Ayanokouji standing next to him. Onodera would prefer to talk alone with Sudou but Sudou doesn’t notice her intentions and urges her to speak so she has no choice but to talk whilst Ayanokouji is present. She tells Sudou that she’s also aiming for the first place in the sports festival and offers to team up to aim for the high scoring team competitions. Ayanokouji notes that she was very fast in last year’s sports festival and is well placed to do well in many different categories. Sudou is dumb so he doesn’t understand why they need to team up but although Ayanokouji supports Onodera’s arguments she directs a stern expression of blatant mistrust towards him, likely due to what he did to his own friend the other day.

Sudou looks a bit reluctant and Onodera guesses correctly that he doesn’t want to pair up with a girl other than Horikita. He proposes for Onodera to pair up with Kouenji but Onodera says she can’t trust him and can’t pair up with someone she hates. Onodera says her only other option would be Hirata but she doesn’t want to be misunderstood as a girl who has a crush on him since other girls would definitely get jealous. Hence she’s prepared to compete by herself if Sudou rejects her. Sudou realises all his reasons for rejecting her were stupid and decides to pair up with her for the sake of supporting the class which was on the verge of collapse.

Afterwards, Ayanokouji and Sudou proceed to the toilets. Sudou thinks that the current relationship between Shinohara, Ike and their surroundings isn’t good and wants to do something about it. Ayanokouji recommends that Ike and Shinohara should put aside the issue of whether Kushida was lying or telling the truth and have a proper heartfelt talk with each other without hiding any secrets. Sudou reckons it could be dangerous so Ayanokouji recommends using a reliable trustworthy person as a mediator in case things go south. Sudou decides to go ask Hirata for help and thanks Ayanokouji for his advice.

The next day, Ayanokouji and Hirata were observing the gymnasium. There were a lot of Class A students training together to raise their collective level as a class and a few Class C and Class D students training as well. However, there wasn’t a single student from Horikita’s class. Ayanokouji tells Hirata about Sudou and Onodera teaming up which helps Hirata relax a little as it’s the only good news he’s heard all week. He asks Ayanokouji if he was responsible for Sudou asking to meet Hirata later that day. Ayanokouji says no and replies that this is the result of Sudou thinking about it for himself. Ayanokouji also tells Hirata that he’ll take care of the Mii-chan case.

Chapter 3

(Horikita POV)

Kushida, Haruka and Wang had now been absent from school for 5 whole days. But Horikita had to prepare for class meetings and do research for the sports festival while also handling her work from the student council. The pressure of everything was starting to overwhelm her. There were several times when she thought of asking Ayanokouji for help but she eventually decided that since this was something she started herself, she also needed to resolve it with her own power. When Chabashira left the classroom, Horikita followed after her and asked her about how the school viewed the current situation. Chabashira reassures her and says that since Kushida and Wang were honor students, the school would treat their absences leniently. Haruka also didn’t cause any problems in the past either. But once she confirmed there was no one else in earshot, Chabashira warns Horikita that they’ll soon be approaching the time limit and if the students continue remaining absent over the next week, their hard-earned 100 class points will be wasted. Horikita thanks her for her advice and is about to leave but Chabashira stops her and says that if she has anything else on her mind, feel free to ask. Horikita hesitates for a moment before asking Chabashira if she made the right decision to expel Sakura for class points. She reveals that at the time she thought she made the right choice but her conviction was now wavering. Chabashira tells her that everyone makes mistakes and nobody is born perfect. But life is all about making mistakes and learning from them so you can continue moving forwards. She says that when she took this special exam, she was unable to find what the correct answer was. However, Horikita was able to arrive at an answer. She was acknowledged as a leader by the class and made the decision to protect Kushida even if she had to sacrifice someone else from the class. Chabashira said that it was her job to now prove to the class whether or not she made the right decision. Horikita is confused because Chabashira was actually saying something teacher-like.

Chabashira places a hand on Horikita’s shoulder.

“Don’t be afraid of failure. I’m don’t want to be the kind of adult who refuses to forgive a child’s blunder.” (Chabashira)

“I haven’t failed yet.” (Horikita)

“…Ah right. All I’m saying is I’ll be watching over you until the end.”

Afterwards, Horikita and Chabashira start talking about Ayanokouji’s greatness and Horikita asks Chabashira what she meant in the past when she said Ayanokouji was the most defective student in the class. Horikita admits that Ayanokouji was better and more rational than she was so she can’t understand why Chabashira would say that about him. Chabashira tells her that she doesn’t need to worry so much about every single little thing a teacher says and tells her to trust her own belief derived from all the time she’s spent together with him.

(I’ve already translated the dialogue in this next scene, so I’ll just leave this here and move on to the next scene.)

Horikita/Ibuki/Kushida scene

(Mii-chan’s POV)

Mii-chan is crying while looking at a two person photo that she took of herself and Hirata soon after they enrolled at the school. At the end of the special exam, she just wanted to quickly run away as soon as possible so she pressed the button to expel Sakura. But reflecting upon it now, she hates herself for what she’s done to Haruka. Shen then looks at the text that she received from Ayanokouji on Monday night. She wonders how Ayanokouji feels after personally expelling his precious friend. She wonders if he’s able to nonchalantly return to school as if nothing happened. If that’s the case, she’d like to meet and talk to him. The text message said “I want to meet and talk with you in person.” After procrastinating for a while, she decided to call Ayanokouji. After a while, he picks up the call. In the background, she can hear the sound of the shower running. She asks if she can meet with him right now and Ayanokouji awkwardly asks her to come over in 20 minutes. As she opens the door, she notices a plastic bag on the handle with food in it. She’s been getting these presents every day since Monday. She doesn’t know who the anonymous gifter is but she’s grateful for their kindness.

As she heads up to the boys’ floor in the dorms, the door to Ayanokouji’s room opens and Kei comes out wearing ruffled clothes and is without her usual ponytail. Mii-chan starts worrying and getting depressed again thinking that she might have cut the couple’s precious date short.

She wonders if Kei would say anything to her about Hirata but she just quickly passed by and left. Instead, Mii-chan calls out to Kei who answers her in a flustered tone. When Mii-chan apologises for calling Ayanokouji, Kei reassures her and says that it’s okay to ask others for help. As Kei leaves through the emergency exit, Mii-chan notes that even though Kei was usually scary because she gave off the impression of having a short temper, today she was surprisingly kind and mellow.

(Ayanokouji POV)

Ayanokouji understands that unlike Haruka and Kushida, Mii-chan wasn’t intentionally trying to stay away from school. She was putting in effort to try to will herself to come back. Mii-chan wants to know about the current state of the class, especially with regards to Shinohara, Haruka, Matsushita and Ayanokouji himself who must have been hurt a lot more than she was. Mii-chan asks him if he’s been to school. When he replies in the affirmative, she asks how he was able to go to school even though it must have been painful to do so. She admits she was a little bit scared of Ayanokouji when he caused Kushida’s downfall and then expelled his own friend. She says that on Monday, she had actually dressed in her uniform and was prepared to go to school but the door felt heavier than usual and there was the additional pressure of already having skipped school for a day.

Ayanokouji praises her saying that it must have taken a lot of courage for her to even come to his room. But then he suddenly switches tone and tells her that it was also true that she was causing a lot of trouble for the class. He says that right now it was still okay because Haruka and Kushida weren’t coming to class either, but if the two of them came back next week but Mii-chan remained absent, all the pressure would be on her alone. Ayanokouji tells her that she doesn’t have to bother with anything else and should just come to school like usual. But Mii-chan tries to feebly complain about her seat being right in front of Hirata’s. Mii-chan is embarrassed and asks if Hirata had said anything about her. She’s afraid of Hirata hating her for being a nuisance but instead Ayanokouji tells her that Hirata personally felt responsible for being the cause of Mii-chan’s absence which is why he was so concerned about her. Ayanokouji made Mii-chan understand that this was the kind of person Hirata was and that she was making him suffer by refusing to come to school. Mii-chan thanks Ayanokouji for his consultation and says she will definitely go to school on Monday.

After Mii-chan leaves, Ayanokouji thinks that he should finally clean up his room which he didn’t have time to do before Mii-chan arrived, but then his doorbell rings again. This time, his visitor was Amasawa. He notes that she always comes to his room at the worst possible times. Ayanokouji tries to tell her he’s busy but she says that she heard that Ayanokouji had brought a girl into his room and was doing bad things so she came to do an investigation. He doesn’t want any of his neighbours to hear her nonsense so he lets her into his room. Amasawa asks him if he wants to know why she knows about Mii-chan coming to his room. He asks her if she just came to brag about her information network. Amasawa started touching the sheets and carpets as if to search for something. She asks whether Ayanokouji likes girls with long hair and says that she was currently growing it out for him. She then finds a strand of blonde hair next to his pillow and interrogates him. She asks him if he wanted to know why none of the White Room students were doing anything to him and he says he’s not interested. She looks under his bed to search and intentionally flashes her underwear at him.

After teasing him, Amasawa asks him if he wants to know the name of the other White Room student but Ayanokouji chooses not to. He says that if the other White Room student were to find out Ayanokouji knew their identity, Amasawa would be the first person suspected. He doesn’t want her to face any danger since she wasn’t his enemy. He’s also still wary of it being a multi-layered trap. As she’s leaving, she points at his garbage bag and says that he’s throwing away his trash when there isn’t much of it. He brushes it off by saying there were vegetable and fish remains that would have smelled if he left it until next week. Ayanokouji then reveals that he’s realised what Amasawa came here to do. She was wary that the White Room student had set up listening devices in his room and came to check if his room was bugged. Before she leaves, Amasawa tells him that if she were to be expelled, he should treat that as a warning that they were going to make a move against him. After Amasawa left, Ayanokouji checked his phone and found a text from Akito saying that Haruka was going to come to school on Monday. A new text then appeared which asked him to look out for her. After Ayanokouji replied, Akito thanked him and said that he hopes they can go back to how they used to be.

The next morning, Ayanokouji went to his classroom and waited to see if the absentees would come. The first to arrive was Mii-chan who shyly greeted her classmates and was warmly welcomed by the girls and Hirata. After most of the students had arrived, Haruka came together with Akito. She glanced at Ayanokouji for an instant before looking back down at her phone. About 3 minutes before the bell, Horikita arrived, glanced at Kushida’s empty seat before heading to her own seat. Chabashira then arrives and comments on Haruka and Mii-chan getting over their ‘illness’. But as she’s about to announce Kushida’s absence, the classroom door opens and Kushida apologises for being late. She doesn’t talk to anyone and simply sits down in her seat. Chabashira nodded in satisfaction but as soon as she left the classroom, it erupted into commotion. Ayanokouji is wary of information leaking to other classes and checks the corridor before receiving a text message from Chabashira reassuring him that she was standing guard outside. Kushida stood up and walked over to Mii-chan who froze like a frog looking at a snake. She asks Mii-chan if she’s now hated by her and then says that it’s fine for Mii-chan to hate her and she doesn’t intend on going back to being friends. She apologises for picking Mii-chan as one of her targets when she was revealing people’s secrets. She also apologises to Shinohara and Matsushita who seem to have reconciled. Ayanokouji thinks Hirata and Sudo might have done something. Shinohara thinks her apology sounds insincere but Kushida tells her to get used to it because this was how she was going to be from now on. She says she’s going to continue collecting information from other classes but that people from her own class were free to interfere and it was up to them if they wanted to use her weapons. She then warns that she would be merciless to anyone who becomes her enemy. She says she still has a lot of secrets she hasn’t spilled and implicitly warns people to back off if they don’t want their secrets exposed. She asks Haruka if she’s okay with that, but she ignores her and continues looking blankly out towards the window.

Even with Haruka returning, the Ayanokouji group didn’t meet together any more and most of Ayanokouji’s break time during classes was spent either alone or talking to Kei with the occasional conversation with Sudou or Matsushita. On the days when Kei went to eat lunch with her friends, Ayanokouji would go to the library. On this day, he was about to head straight back to the dorms since Kei was going out to play with her friends, but Haruka called out to him. She tells him to meet her at the café in Keyaki Mall and tells him that she already told Horikita the same thing. Ayanokouji tries to probe Akito for information but he says that this was the first time he was hearing this and also apologises to Ayanokouji since he won’t be able to be his ally. However, Ayanokouji is instead relieved that he’ll be supporting Haruka. After the three AG members left, Ayanokouji headed for the designated location together with Horikita. He praises her for being able to bring Kushida back to school. Out of curiosity, he asks Horikita how she pulled it off but she says it was something very childish so she didn’t want to talk about it. She then reveals that on Sunday, she and Hirata met with Shinohara’s group at Keyaki Mall to smooth things over. Although Shinohara had a lot of complaints towards Horikita, Ike managed to calm her down. Horikita then thanks Ayanokouji for helping to bring Mii-chan back to the class. Ayanokouji then tells her to pass on a message to Nagumo telling him that Ayanokouji would agree to his proposal. He hasn’t actually decided yet whether to agree to the proposal or not but the one week deadline has already passed so he decided to just give Nagumo an answer for the time being. They then moved on to talking about Haruka. Horikita reveals that she tried to talk to Haruka several times but was always ignored before Akito would tell her to leave Haruka alone. Ayanokouji agrees with her that this meeting was probably not for the sake of reconciling and that it was likely Haruka was going to be a roadblock for them in the future. He shifts the conversation in the direction of talking about the sports festival. Even despite all the troubles they face, Horikita is confident because her class’ talent in that field was unmatched. She’s wary of Ryuuen going for a similar strategy as last year where he forces opponents to quit by injuring them. Ayanokouji asks what her strategy is going to be and she replies that she’s going for a straightforward approach where students like Sudou and Onodera earn lots of points whilst she and Kushida would also steadily earn points as well. Ayanokouji warns her that it may not be enough, especially since they have the handicap of only having 38 students in their class. Horikita agrees and says that she has something else planned. She asked Ayanokouji to accompany her tomorrow afternoon. She says she doesn’t need him to say something and would just like him to give an opinion at the end on whether it would be worth the risk. She says that she can’t just be spoiled by him all the time and that she also needs to pull her weight. Ayanokouji looks forward to seeing what her strategy was going to be.

They arrive at the café and Haruka urges them to take a seat. She says that she was here to hear Horikita out since it seemed like Horikita wanted to talk to her. Horikita says that it was about her absence from school but it looks like that problem has already been resolved. Haruka says that she shouldn’t have caused any problems since she informed the school that she wasn’t feeling well and then came back when Akito informed her that there might be a penalty if she was away for longer than a week. Haruka says that it’s true that she wasn’t feeling well but it wasn’t because she was sick or injured. She was mentally struggling to get up in the mornings and finding it difficult to sleep at night. But instead of sympathising with her, Horikita instead takes an aggressive attitude and tells her to cut the crap and say everything she wants to. Haruka asks her if she’s happy that she gained class points from the special exam. Horikita says that ideally anybody would’ve preferred to aim for Class A without losing their classmates but says that it wasn’t possible under the circumstances which made it so that somebody had to be expelled. Haruka retorts that she lost her best friend purely due to Horikita’s selfish judgment. Horikita does not disagree. Haruka says that Horikita is a good leader since she’s willing to make sure the class wins through any means necessary. Horikita replies that she can still do much better, to which Haruka says she was being sarcastic. She demands to know why Horikita went back on her promise to only expel the traitor. Horikita agrees that she didn’t handle that aspect well and promises to reflect on her mistakes. Haruka says that there are some mistakes which are unforgivable which is an opinion that Horikita also agrees with. Haruka is about to reflexively say Kyo-chan but corrects herself and asks Horikita whether she really believes she made the right decision in saving Kushida. However, Horikita doesn’t show any signs of guilt and says that she only did it because she believed it to be the best outcome for the class. She says she has no intentions of apologising for expelling Airi because even if she did, it wouldn’t mean anything because she didn’t think she made a mistake. She understands that Haruka will bear a grudge against her, but she continues to believe that Kushida will become an important asset for their class.

Haruka says that even aside from Airi, there were other people in the class who were useless. She says she wouldn’t forgive Horikita for this case and won’t acknowledge her as the leader. Horikita merely replies that she’ll do her best to win back her faith. But when Haruka continues to say that Horikita won’t be forgiven, Horikita asks her about just what exactly she wants. Even if Horikita were to be expelled, Airi wouldn’t come back and it would just waste the 100 class points that Airi gave them. Horikita continues to assertively ask her whether her heart would be soothed if she were to kneel on the ground and beg for forgiveness. The others might have thought she was full of fighting spirit, but Ayanokouji could tell that she was actually in pain. But Haruka says that the only thing she wanted was for Airi to be brought back. She says she doesn’t care about the class and declares that Horikita had made the wrong decision. Horikita then provokes her, saying that if Haruka thought she was wrong, she should have argued against the decision to save Kushida. She then follows up by saying it would have been pointless anyway since Haruka didn’t have the ability to resist. Haruka agrees that there was nothing she could do. Not after Ayanokouji had mercilessly taken advantage of Airi’s feelings for him to corner her. She then turns on Ayanokouji for the first time in the conversation and says that a normal person would never be able to do what he did. But she still didn’t feel like talking to him and turned back to Horikita. She says that there’s still a possibility that Kushida would betray the class again in the future. Horikita agrees with that statement but says even if she returned to the past with her current memories, she would still make the same decision all over again. The only difference would be this time she wouldn’t promise to expel the traitor. When Haruka despairs and asks why they were so insistent on expelling Airi, Ayanokouji speaks up and says that this incident will provide motivation for the students with poor OAA grades to study harder. He says even that incentive alone would be sufficient return for expelling her. Haruka complains that they’re acting just like Ryuuen and Ayanokouji agrees but says that he thinks they’ve been too soft on their classmates until now. He sums up this incident as Horikita feeling that the potential profit from having Kushida as an ally exceeded what Airi could potentially give her. He could also envision such a future which is why he decided to lend her a hand. He says that even though Airi was gone, after a while the class will go back to normal. Horikita asks Haruka whether she had the same opinion when Yamauchi was expelled. Haruka retorts that Yamauchi engineered his own expulsion whilst Airi was completely innocent, however Horikita disagrees and says they were both expelled for being at the bottom of the class and says that Haruka was only feeling indignant because it was her friend that was expelled. Haruka says that she rejects the future that Horikita envisions. She agrees that there was a possibility Kushida would now cooperate with the class but asks whether they really think she’ll go along with their plan. Horikita says that she’ll take her time convincing Haruka and points out the simple fact Haruka had returned to school meant that there was room for discussion. Haruka says that she returned to school to look for an answer which she couldn’t find while locked up inside her room. Whilst the rest of them didn’t understand those ambiguous words, Akito alone looked down at the ground in pain. Haruka then says that she’s looking for an answer as to how she can get revenge on Horikita and Ayanokouji and promises to make them regret having expelled Airi. She then stands up and leaves without having taken a single sip of her beverage and Akito chases after her. Everyone left at the scene sat there in stunned silence. Keisei then says that both Horikita and Haruka are right and at the time, he was only thinking about how to save himself. Horikita says that everyone would prioritise self-preservation and tells him he doesn’t need to blame himself. Keisei says he can’t sympathise with how Haruka feels, but even if she causes problems for the class, he doesn’t think he has the right to stop her. He says that since he’s unable to contribute to the class in the sports festival, he will do his best to study even harder and contribute to the class in the ways that he can so that he won’t be hated. Ayanokouji notes that Keisei himself also realises that he’s in a precarious position due to not having many friends.

Chapter 4

The next day, Horikita brought Ayanokouji to a karaoke place in Keyaki Mall. Since the person they’re meeting is late, Horikita asks him if he’d like to sing. He politely rejects her offer and returns the offer back to her. She takes out her textbooks and notes and decides to study instead. Roughly 15 minutes after the appointed time, Katsuragi and Ryuuen show up. Katsuragi and Ryuuen order drinks before Ryuuen proceeds to provoke Horikita. He asks Horikita how it felt to abandon her class’ dead weight for class points. Horikita then asks why he didn’t expel anyone since she totally expected him to do it. Ryuuen asks her if she’s nervous about having no comrades and realising she’s the only one who made the wrong decision. Horikita says that contrarily, her class was the only one to make the right decision. Eventually their drinks arrive and everyone just stares as Ryuuen picks up the orange juice. All of them think that it doesn’t match the image of Ryuuen that they have in their head.

Horikita proposes an alliance to take down Sakayanagi’s class. She negotiates with Katsuragi who asks her questions whilst Ryuuen just silently observes Ayanokouji. When Katsuragi asks Ryuuen for his opinion, he tries to squeeze monetary concessions out of Horikita but she shows him the door. As Ryuuen continues to be bullish in negotiations, Horikita threatens to leave before Katsuragi tries to persuade Ryuuen. Ryuuen says the only reason Horikita is able to take this attitude is because she has Ayanokouji on her side. He picks up his glass of orange juice and splashes it towards Ayanokouji who dodges cleanly out of the way. He asks Katsuragi whether he could have dodged that just to prove his point. Katsuragi admits it’d be impossible for him but questions Ryuuen on what that has to do with the discussion on hand. Ryuuen says that Horikita bringing Ayanokouji here was the same as bringing a gun to the negotiations which was allowing her to be more daring than usual. Ayanokouji had actually been anticipating the sight of Ryuuen drinking orange juice so his attention was fixed on it which is why he was able to react in time. Horikita thinks the negotiations could have gone better if he’d just let himself be splashed but Ayanokouji tells her not to be unreasonable and says he didn’t want to stain his clothes. He realises that Ryuuen ordered orange juice because its smell sticks and stains are hard to remove. Ryuuen demands for Ayanokouji to be removed if Horikita wants to have a proper negotiation. Horikita refuses, saying that he’s also her classmate and one of the weapons at her disposal. Katsuragi persuades Ryuuen and he eventually agrees to the alliance but wants to add the condition that the class that places 1st will pay private points to the class that finishes 2nd to make up for the difference in class points earned. Everyone present knows that Horikita’s class holds the advantage when it comes to sports/athletics. Horikita doesn’t like the proposal and eventually Ryuuen agrees to cancel that condition. He then asks who came up with the idea for an alliance and after hearing it was Horikita’s plan, he decides to cooperate. Horikita in turn is miffed because it sounds like he’s looking down on her. Whilst Katsuragi and Ryuuen are arguing about the possibility of Sakayanagi appearing in the sports festival as a commander/tactician, Ayanokouji butts in and assuades their fears by saying he’ll make sure Sakayanagi can’t participate. He also proposes a plan which is accepted by Katsuragi and Horikita, however, Ryuuen does not want to use any plan he comes up with. Katsuragi eventually convinces Ryuuen to agree to the plan. Before leaving, Ryuuen warns Ayanokouji that after Sakayanagi, he’ll be next.

Sakayanagi, Kamuro and Hashimoto were meeting up at a café in Keyaki Mall. Sakayanagi tells the other two that Horikita and Ryuuen’s classes were likely working together for the sports festival. Sakayanagi wouldn’t be as worried if Ryuuen were to place first and Horikita 2nd but she’s concerned about the possibility of Horikita’s class winning the sports festival since she sees them as the greater threat. Hashimoto agrees and says he was impressed that they were able to abandon a bottom feeder in their class to get 100 class points. He ponders whether Horikita had matured or if Ayanokouji had done something. As he observes Sakayanagi’s reaction to his mention of Ayanokouji, she turns the question back on him and asks why he was so interested in Ayanokouji. He lets the topic slide so she brings the focus back towards the sports festival. She states that she will participate, leading Kamuro and Hashimoto to show concern for her over the possibility of her being mocked. She reassures them and Kamuro and Hashimoto express their absolute confidence that she will lead them to success because of her track record of getting results.

(BladeEntity has translated the next scene so I’ll leave the link here and move on)

Kiyokei mall date

After running away from the electronics store, Satou takes a deep breath and admonishes herself for panicking and running away. When she saw the couple with their arms locked together, she felt pangs of jealousy in her heart. She knew that she should be supporting her best friend with her love now that her feelings had been reciprocated, but Satou’s heart was engulfed in dark feelings. She sits down and hugs her knees, drowning in feelings of guilt. But at that moment, a 1st grader student who she didn’t recognise called out to her. She remains suspicious of him (will use him because speech characteristics sound like Yagami) but the person whispers into her ear that if Kei got expelled, Satou would have a chance. A storm of emotions rampage in her heart and she nervously tries to reject the stranger’s proposal but he warns her that if she doesn’t agree to his proposal she’ll definitely end up regretting it. He tells her to go to his dorm room if she doesn’t want to be seen by others and tells her his room number before leaving. Satou realises that she still has a chance and the dark emotions she’d locked up in her heart began to pour out once again.

The class began earnestly preparing for the sports festival. There were some people who were opposed to collaborating with Ryuuen’s class, but in the end, everyone agreed to work together for the sake of victory. On the night before the sports festival, Ayanokouji called Horikita. He can hear the sound of the hair dryer running but when he tells Horikita that he has something important to say to her, she turns the hair dryer off. She then suddenly remembers and complains to him that Sakayanagi was on the entry list for the sports festival and asks him about what happened to his promise that he’d make sure Sakayanagi couldn’t participate. He then tells her that he’d be absent for the sports festival which causes her to drop the hair dryer. She panics but Ayanokouji tells her that this is all part of his strategy to prevent Sakayanagi from participating. Horikita doesn’t understand why his absence has anything to do with Sakayanagi’s participation but since it doesn’t look like he’ll change his mind, she decides to trust him while complaining that now she’ll have to win more to make up for the 10 points lost from his absence. After the phone call with Horikita, Ayanokouji then decides to contact someone else.

Chapter 5

(Horikita’s POV)

She watches Student Council President Nagumo give the opening address before all the students are set free to go participate in their activities. The contents of the contract with Ryuuen’s class are that strong students from both classes will be picked out to form teams to compete in the team competitions. They also collaborated so that students from the two classes would avoid each other as much as possible for clashes in the individual competitions. Horikita’s first competition was the 100m sprint. Ibuki excitedly runs to her at full speed, revealing that this was the first of the competitions in which the two would be facing each other. But Horikita calls her an idiot for running just before she was going to compete in a 100m sprint. Ibuki realises she messed up.

In their first battle, similarly to last year, Horikita edges out a narrow victory. Ibuki makes excuses such as saying she lost because she ran before the race. After three events, Horikita has earned a total of 21 points. Shen then competes against Ibuki in long jump and jumps a personal best record. While waiting around for it to get to Ibuki’s turn, she hears a voice call out to her and turns around to see Sudou and Onodera. They reveal that both of them had won their first few events and sing each other’s praises while being humble about their own achievements. Sudou says he wishes he could have competed against Kouenji who has also won all of his first 3 events but Horikita scolds him and tells Onodera to holds his reigns. She wishes the two of them luck in their pair competitions later. The two of them leave and Horikita goes back to watching Ibuki. Ibuki’s jump beats Horikita’s by 2 centimetres. Ibuki starts jumping around in joy and taunts Horikita. Horikita blames her loss on the difference in air resistance which causes Ibuki to call her a sore loser. Horikita tries to stay calm but Ibuki is extremely loud and annoying which causes her to want to hurry up and move on to their next match. Unfortunately, that will be in the afternoon and there will be several team events before then.

Horikita looks at the current class rankings on her tablet. Earlier in the morning, Ryuuen’s class had jumped out into an early lead but Horikita’s class had an iron-gripped stranglehold over the top of the rankings ever since overtaking them. Class D was in 2nd place, Class C in 3rd place and Class A in 4th place. Everything was going according to plan. As she rests in preparation for her next competition, she is joined by Yagami who praises her class for being in 1st place. But he says that it’s not as impressive as Student Council President Nagumo who has now won 5 competitions in a row. As Nagumo passed through the finish line, a bunch of girls could be heard cheering for him. But he ignores the lot of them and looks as if he’s in a bad mood. Horikita decides to go talk to him. Since Kiryuuin was speaking to him first, she decided to wait. Kiryuuin congratulates him on his five consecutive victories but says that he doesn’t look very happy. She asks if it’s because Ayanokouji was absent. Nagumo sighs and says that he was hoping Ayanokouji would satisfy him but it looks like it was his misunderstanding all along. Kiryuuin offers to take his place but when Nagumo looks at the smirk on her face, he says that even if he took it seriously, she would just leave him hanging. Kiryuuin tells him he should stop bothering his juniors and just happily graduate from Class A. Nagumo thinks Kiryuuin’s behaviour is strange and says that in the 6 months since she got involved with Ayanokouji, she’d talked to him more than she had in the 2 whole years prior to that. He says that since Ayanokouji ran away from him, he’ll stop bothering him.

Horikita walks up to him and confirms with him that he and Ayanokouji had a promise to compete at the sports festival. Horikita knows that Ayanokouji isn’t absent for the sake of avoiding confrontation with Nagumo, but is instead acting to prevent Sakayanagi from participating. But she decides it would be better to keep this information to herself. Nagumo invites her to eat lunch with him which she naturally accepts. She sees lots of students stuffing themselves with the delicious free lunches, some of them even eating 3 or 4 at once. She wonders whether those students will be able to properly compete in the competitions after lunch. Nagumo brings his lunch over and asks Horikita about the truth behind Ayanokouji’s absence from the sports festival. She lies and says he called her in the morning to say that he wasn’t feeling well. However, Nagumo doesn’t believe her. He tells her that other students in their grade will pay the price for Ayanokouji running away from their battle. Horikita has no idea what he was talking about but realises once again that everyone has a high evaluation of Ayanokouji. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen but Ayanokouji kept his word and Sakayanagi was absent from the sports festival. As a result, Class A was now in a mess due to not having their leader around to command them.

In the afternoon, as Shimizu and Matoba from Class A were heading towards their doubles table tennis match, Ishizaki walked towards them from the opposite direction. Shimizu tried moving to the right to avoid a collision but Ishizaki moved in the same direction and collided with him. He then yells out in pain and accuses Shimizu of crashing into him on purpose. The two of them quarrel for a while about who was in the wrong but Ishizaki continues to shamelessly accuse them. Matoba quells Shimizu’s anger and tells him there’s more important things to do but just as they’re about to move on, Ishizaki yells out that they injured him. The two of them finally realise this was a trap by Ishizaki and laugh at him for his pathetic efforts but then Ryuuen appears and demands justice for hurting Ishizaki. The two of them get pissed off at Ryuuen and say that he has a history of doing the kind of stuff he’s accusing them of doing but Ryuuen says that while that may be true, it doesn’t change the fact that his adorable underling got injured by Class A. The two from Class A threaten to call a teacher and Ryuuen goads them on, saying that he’s the victim here. Shimizu runs off to call a  teacher but returns sheepily with Hashimoto in tow. Hashimoto says that calling a teacher would only make a bigger mess out of this which would be playing into Ryuuen’s hand. He asks to take over the negotiations with Ryuuen. Ryuuen accuses Hashimoto’s class of injuring Ishizaki and Hashimoto agrees but says that they also have things at stake here. He points out that his classmates involved in this were high scorers in the sports festival whilst for better or worse, Ishizaki wasn’t on their level, implicitly implying that it was obvious to everyone that Ryuuen’s class were the only ones who’d benefit from trying to cause an incident here. Ryuuen accuses him of looking down on Ishizaki and shamelessly says that Hashimoto has no idea how hard Ishizaki has trained for the sake of this sport festival. When he confirms with Ishizaki, he gets a straight-faced ‘yep’. Hashimoto exasperatedly looks at Ishizaki, especially considering he’d personally seen Ishizaki playing around every day before the sports festival. Hashimoto sighs, realising that this discussion was going nowhere and asks Ryuuen if he was also responsible for all the athletic 1st graders joining the same events as the sporty people in Class 2A. He says that their class was desperately trying to do everything they could after Sakayanagi didn’t come to the sports festival and asks Ryuuen to let them off the hook. But Ryuuen frowns and says that he doesn’t care about Class A’s circumstances and that Hashimoto would be mistaken if he thought he could try to interfere with Class D and get away with it. Hashimoto asks if Ryuuen would be happy if Class A unilaterally took responsibility and apologised for the incident. Ryuuen agrees and says he has no intention of squeezing any money out of them. Hashimoto returns to Shimizu and Matoba and tries to convince them to suck it up and apologise to save time. The two of them are angry at him but Hashimoto asks them whether they value their pride or victory more. They eventually agree and reluctantly apologise to Ishizaki, bowing their heads together. They quickly try to leave the place but Ishizaki and Ryuuen accuse them of being insincere. This time Hashimoto gets pissed at Ryuuen, saying he can’t go along with this charade any more or else they really will run out of time. He runs off to fetch a teacher but by the time he explains the situation and returns, he sees Ishizaki saying he accepts their apology and forgives them. The teacher doesn’t have any context so he ends up coming to the conclusion that the two Class A students bumped into Ishizaki but he forgave them. Shimizu tries to complain but Hashimoto urges him to just accept it and leave. The two of them send death stares at Ryuuen as they run off in the direction of the gymnasium.

With less than an hour left of the sports festival, Class B was in 1st and Class D was comfortably in 2nd place with a 17 point difference between the two of them. An irritated Ibuki approached Horikita and demanded to compete with her again. Apparently, she’d misread the starting time for their 3rd battle and missed it. Horikita says she’s only participated in 9 events so she technically still has one left. Ibuki immediately demands to face her in that event. Horikita bullies Ibuki into politely begging to face her in that final event. Horikita trolls Ibuki for a bit longer before saying she wants to participate in volleyball. Ibuki is stunned and asks her if her begging from earlier was completely pointless. Horikita invites her to face her in volleyball but Ibuki says she’d pass because she wouldn’t be able to get 5 teammates in time. They roast each other for having no friends. Ibuki gives up because she understands that she’s the one at fault for missing the appointed time. When Horikita asks her if she’s going to participate in the shuttle run contest, Ibuki replies that she’s only interested in competing against Horikita and can’t be bothered to work for Ryuuen’s sake. But when Horikita notices Ibuki hasn’t left yet and questions her, Ibuki replies that in the case Horikita could not find enough participants for volleyball, she’d probably try shuttle run which would give Ibuki a chance to compete with her again. Horikita expresses her surprise at Ibuki actually having a brain. Horikita looks around the gymnasium but can’t find any suitable classmates to invite. Ibuki yawns next to her as if urging her to give up and compete in shuttle run.

At that moment, Amasawa enters the gymnasium. Ibuki glares at her and Amasawa playfully asks if she’s on her period. As Ibuki challenges her to compete in shuttle run, Kushida calls out from behind Amasawa. Amasawa apologises and says she doesn’t have time to play with them since she’ll be competing in volleyball with Nanase and 4 other girls. Ibuki says she’ll join Horikita’s volleyball team to teach that cheeky 1st grader a lesson. Horikita is reluctant since Ibuki was from the 2nd placed Class D but Kushida then volunteers to join so that the ratio of Class B students in the team will be higher. Horikita questions her on why she’s suddenly being cooperative and Kushida reveals that she also wants to teach Amasawa a lesson. She uses her connections to grab some Class A and B student for the remaining 3 slots. Horikita was surprised that 2 athletic Class A students were happy to team up with them but apparently the two wanted to leave behind a track record of good individual results even if their class finished in last place. Horikita is impressed by Kushida’s insight for being able to understand their motives and recognise them as potential recruitments. Volleyball at the sports festival had some special rules. There was no need to rotate the server and the match was won by either the first team that scores 10 points or the team which had more points when time runs out. With their team of 5 athletic people and one deadweight, Horikita’s team easily won their first match and proceeded to watch Nanase’s team play. Nanase was almost single-handedly carrying her team in both offence and defence whilst Amasawa wasn’t really doing anything special. Ibuki and Horikita comment on the fact that she really was just playing like a beginner and that perhaps they might have overestimated her. However, midway through the match, the situation began to change and Amasawa visibly got much better. In the next match, Nanase once again led her team to victory as the ace player whilst Horikita’s team also won their match.

In the final, Horikita’s team opened up an early 4:2 lead. Whilst Nanase was a match for Horikita and Ibuki, the rest of Horikita’s team was better than the rest of Nanase’s team. However, when there was approximately 5 minutes left, Amasawa blocked Ibuki’s spike as if she completely predicted the path it would take. She says she’s read all of Horikita’s team’s attack patterns and the match begins to turn on its head as Nanase’s team starts to catch up. Eventually Horikita’s team won due to a combination of Nanase tiring and time running out at just the right time while they were in the lead. However, Ibuki isn’t satisfied because they probably would have lost if there wasn’t a time limit to that match since they were already no longer capable of blocking Amasawa’s spikes.

Sudou and Onodera have just advanced to the finals of the mixed doubles tennis competition. Many of their classmates had gathered around to cheer them on and there were also famous VIP guests who had come to watch. Onodera is excitedly talking about the fact that they won all 5 of their events as a pair and also sings Sudo’s praises for going undefeated so far in all his events. However, Sudou only gives disinterested replies. Onodera notices that his attention is focused on the 1st grader Housen and asks him why he’s so focused on Housen. Sudou tells her not to worry about it and brushes off the question. Similarly to volleyball, tennis also had special rules. The serving team changed after every single point and the first team to win 2 games out of 3 would be the victor. The final begins and Housen’s serves are unreturnable whilst Sudou’s serves were easily returned. In the blink of an eye, Housen’s team ran out to a 40-0 lead. Sudou is about to smash his racket but Onodera admonishes him and reminds him that he always fails whenever he loses his cool. Onodera decides that Sudou can’t be allowed to serve in his current mental state so she takes over serving duties. However, Housen’s team also wins the next point and hence wins the first game to love. The 1st year girl who was partnering Housen was just cowering in fear so the match was essentially a 1v2.

In the second game, Onodera started getting used to the speed of Housen’s shots so the match looked a bit more even until Housen directed a smash straight at Onodera with the speed of a bullet. She dropped her racket in surprise and clutched at her cheeks in pain. Sudou angrily yells at Housen for intentionally hurting her whilst Housen retorts that it’s normal in tennis to aim at the opoonent’s body. Sudou says that might be true, but they’re amateurs playing in a school sports festival. As the match goes on, Housen starts targeting Onodera with all of his shots. When Sudo/Onodera were 40-30 in the lead, the ball came straight towards Onodera’s face again and she twisted her ankle trying to get out of the way. Sudou quickly moved to cover for Onodera and his shot just barely landed in the court, winning them the second game. Sudou glares at Housen and angrily accuses him of playing dirty. Housen tells him to blame his partner for being useless instead of shouting at him. Sudou wants to continue arguing with him but Onodera calms him down. Housen pretends to lament losing one game but then tells them that the real hell is waiting for them ahead. Sudou angrily realises that Housen lost that game on purpose to prolong their suffering. While Sudou is treating her injury, Onodera starts talking about how she had always had a high evaluation of Sudou even from the time when they enrolled at school. She says that whilst other people looked down on him because of his delinquent behaviour and poor grades, she always admired how he gave his all during club activities. She says that sometimes when she stayed until late, she peeked into the gymnasium expecting there to be no one left but Sudou was always there even if he was just practising by himself. Onodera tells him about her own life experiences of dealing with anger and frustration and tells him that it’s never good to lose your temper when you’re in the middle of competition. She tells him that whenever he needs to relieve stress, he should just yell and then take deep breaths for 10 seconds afterwards.

When the 3rd game started, Housen once again continued to target the injured Onodera. Even when he missed and lost points, he didn’t change his strategy and continued to do the same thing. When Sudou/Onodera were leading 40-15, Housen once again directed his shot at Onodera and directly hit her arm. Sudou is about to explode again but then remembers Onodera’s words and decides to put it into practice. After 10 seconds, he calms back down. He asks Onodera to believe in him and then engages in a one on one battle with Housen. In the end, when one of Housen’s shots dropped short, he hit a smash and won the match. As he shouted out in celebration, Housen also simultaneously smashed his racket and broke it in half. Sudou runs to Onodera and excitedly hugs her in celebration. Onodera congratulates Sudou for winning all his events whilst Sudou thanks her and says he couldn’t have done it without her. But alas, the following happens.

“I see. Hey Sudou… do you think we were good partners?” (Onodera)

“Yeah. You were really easy to work with and reliable to boot. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. Ahh, I wish I could show Suzune what I accomplished.” (Sudou)

“Suzune… Huh…” (Onodera)

“Where? Where did you see her?” (Sudou)

“Ah sorry, I mistook someone else for her.” (Onodera)

“Damn, that so? Maybe I’ll find her outside…” (Sudou)

“Let’s go out for dinner next time after we finish our club activities.” (Onodera)

“Eh? That’s fine with me but more importantly, help me look for Suzune. Suzune, where are you?”

“Ahahaha. There’s no way I’d help.” (Onodera)

Housen disgruntledly walks up to them and tells Sudou that he would’ve been destroyed if Housen were playing seriously. Housen then challenges him to a fistfight. Onodera tries to protect Sudou but he just laughs and tells Housen that he doesn’t feel like accepting Housen’s provocation. Housen says he doesn’t give a sh*t and will turn Sudou into his sandbag anyway. Housen then slammed a fist into Sudou’s abdomen. As the teacher rushes over, Sudou says that nothing happened and then warns Housen that if he tries to go any further, he’ll have no choice but to get the teacher involved. Housen thinks he’s become pathetic and boring but Sudou doesn’t mind and leaves with Onodera. Sudou says he needs to thank Housen because watching him makes him realise just how lame he used to be.

Chapter 6

Ayanokouji is waiting inside his room whilst the sports festival is going on outside. He already made the necessary arrangements with Director Sakayanagi so there’s nothing more he can do. But as he starts making lunch, he hears his doorbell ring and Arisu’s voice calls out to him. He lets her in and she reveals she brought a newly released Mont Blanc cake as a souvenir to eat together with him. She giggles and says that Ayanokouji was an evil person for using this sort of strategy to trap her. She correctly guesses that he predicted she’d come to his room if he were to be absent from the sports festival due to the rarity of this sort of opportunity. Usually she’d never be able to visit his room because she was the leader of Class A and neither of them wanted any strange rumours. Arisu reveals that last night, she’d been informed by her father that Ayanokouji was going to be absent and had requested security guards to be stationed around the dormitory. Ayanokouji says that he didn’t think Director Sakayanagi would inform his daughter but Arisu sees through his lies. Ayanokouji had actually cautioned Director Sakayanagi that he should warn his daughter because there was a possibility that she’d get involved with the White Room agents going after Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji knew that the director would prioritise his own daughter’s safety and ask her to stay home on the day of the sports festival. However, Arisu instead utilised that as an opportunity to talk with him uninterrupted and came to his room which was a dangerous place to go. Arisu told him about the security outside of his room which included 3 people standing guard in the lobby of the dorms and various more scattered throughout the school, disguised as personnel for protecting the government official VIP’s that were visiting. Arisu says that the biggest contributor to her defeat this time was not Horikita who proposed the alliance, nor Ryuuen who accepted it but instead Ayanokouji who took surefire measures to ensure she could not attend the sports festival. Ayanokouji says that the results were still uncertain, however Arisu says that her class is incapable of operating without her because that’s how she’s built it.

Arisu decides to treat it as paying 150 class points for the sake of enjoying her time together alone with Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji mentions that she’s treating the loss of class points as a very trivial matter and Arisu replies that to her, this school was just a playground. She says that when she first enrolled at this school, she wasn’t very interested in the position of Class A. However, when she learnt that Ayanokouji was also at the school, she became interested in the possibility of him leading his class to Class B and then being able to have a proper battle with him. Sakayanagi gestured for Ayanokouji to sit next to her before she then proceeded to feed him the Mont Blanc.

When she asks him whether he liked it, he lied and said yes because he didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth. He was actually thinking that he preferred shortcake. Sakayanagi then proceeds to also eat from the same fork that she fed him with. After they’re done eating, she says she’ll bring a different cake to eat next time. When Ayanokouji reacts to her in surprise, she reveals that she could tell from his reaction that he didn’t particularly enjoy it. She teases him and says that even though his poker face had no weaknesses when he was competing, he’d let his guard down in places like this. She asks him why he started to seriously aim for Class A after he used to be so indifferent to it. Ayanokouji thinks that he, Arisu and Kouenji all don’t have any reason to aim for Class A since the rewards don’t matter to them. Even if he were to graduate from Class A, Ayanokouji was still going to return to the White Room. Arisu was the director’s daughter and could use her excellent academic skills and connections to get her anywhere that she’d achieve by graduating from Class A. Kouenji’s parents were extremely wealthy and Class A didn’t matter to him either. He asks her why she aims for Class A even though she has no qualms about throwing away 150 class points in such a way. Depending on her answer he thinks that he could potentially use the same trick in the future. Arisu reads his thoughts and tells him that next time the same thing happens, she’ll come to his room again if he answered her previous question. He tells her that just like she is trying to prove her theory about natural-born geniuses, he’s trying to prove that the education system of the White Room wasn’t perfect.

Denj translated part of this chapter so I’ll leave it below:

Kiyotaka reveals his plan to Arisu

Arisu says that now she has a secret that she shares with Ayanokouji which they can’t tell others about. Ayanokouji chides her for intentionally choosing a way of saying it that will easily cause misunderstandings but she giggles and says that Ayanokouji was the one who tried to create a misunderstanding in the first place. As he picks up his phone and sorts out the files that he needs, Sakayanagi sees a photo of him with Kei that was taken at Keyaki Mall. She laughs happily and says that it seems his relationship with Kei was going well. She says that she’d done some investigations but couldn’t figure out why Ayanokouji decided to go out with her. However, she could tell that Kei’s trust and affection towards him were already on the level of a worshipper. She asks him if he was using her for some kind of experiment or trying to roleplay as a saviour. Ayanokouji is impressed at the depth of her insight and admits that she got it right. He mentally notes that in a different way to Kei, he’s able to communicate with Arisu without them even saying anything to each other.

At that moment, the doorbell rings. Ayanokouji is wary of how someone managed to get past all the security in the dormitory lobby but when the doorbell rings again, he calls out and asks “Who’s there?”. The man on the other side tells him to listen without moving. Ayanokouji can tell from his voice that this person is young and probably around the same age as they are. He soon realises that this person was the anonymous caller (I don’t remember this scene anymore, nor which volume it was from). The stranger is impressed that Ayanokouji could recognise his voice after only hearing it once. He then says that Ayanokouji doesn’t need to worry about his identity since he’s neither an enemy nor an ally. He warns Ayanokouji that even after getting rid of Tsukishiro and the White Room student, peace won’t return to his life. Ayanokouji points out that he’s giving quite a lot of advice for someone who’s supposedly neutral. The stranger replies that Ayanokouji’s presence at the school causes a lot of problems and he only wants to do some damage control. After the stranger leaves, Arisu says that she feels like she’s heard that voice before. But she says it wasn’t something she heard recently but a long time ago such as 5 or perhaps even 10 years ago. Ayanokouj says if that’s the case, then he probably wasn’t a White Room student. Since it didn’t seem like the man intended to cause Ayanokouji any harm, he decides to leave him alone.

The final results of the sports festival were:

  1. Horikita’s Class
  2. Ryuuen’s Class
  3. Ichinose’s Class
  4. Sakayanagi’s Class

Sudou and Onodera topped the individual rankings. Kouenji also won all 10 of his events but since they were all individual events, he ended up finishing 2nd. Sudou and Onodera chose to take the private points instead of the class change ticket. On that day, Kei had gone out with her friends to Keyaki Mall so Ayanokouji was about to go home by himself when Horikita called out to him. She tells him that she has learned a lot from the unanimous consent special exam but she says that she’s now certain she made the right decision to save Kushida. During the sports festival, Kushida contributed a lot of points to the class and had now gone back to being an honor student even though the social contribution score of her OAA had fallen slightly. Horikita admits she still doesn’t know what to do about Haruka but she is confident that the next time they have a similar special exam, she’ll be able to apply the things that she’s learned and do better. She says that from this special exam, she was able to experience both success and failure. When Ayanokouji says it’s better to not fail, Horikita closes her eyes and repeats Chabashira’s words, saying, “I’m still just a second-year high schooler. It’s okay to experience failure.” Ayanokouji sees that she’s reached enlightenment. She says that she might not be as good as the leaders of the other classes. But she has the likes of Hirata, Kei, Sudou, Onodera, Kushida and Kouenji supporting her. With their help, she thinks they’ll eventually reach Class A. She then adds that Ayanokouji was also an integral component of her class. She says even though she often can’t tell what he’s thinking and that he’s often uncooperative, to her class, to her, he’s an existence that she needs.

However, in response, this is Ayanokouji’s monologue as translated by Alice/Cinnamon:

Kiyotaka Monologue


Haruka asked Akito if he’s okay with quitting the archery club. He says he never really cared about it that much and he’s just happy that she’s finally started coming back to classes again. In the sports festival, Haruka participated in the bare minimum required 5 events and didn’t cause problems for the class. However, she refused to speak to anyone other than Akito including Keisei who had agreed to expel Airi. She says she had actually wanted to take revenge on not just Ayanokouji, but all of her classmates since they’d been complicit in abandoning Airi. She asks Akito whether he agreed that the promise to expel Kushida should have been upheld. Akito agrees with her. She says she won’t forgive Ayanokouji or her classmates but decides that she won’t mope about it forever. She asks Akito to cooperate with her to take revenge just once. Akito can tell from the look in her eyes that she’s serious. She sees his reluctance and laughs it off, saying she’ll do it herself. As she turns around and leaves, Akito calls out to her from behind.

4 thoughts on “Classroom of the Elite Y2V6 Summary

  1. Thanks for the awesome summary. I can’t believe Kiyo still thinks Kei as a learning material. But I think he will genuinely come to like her. But it will be to late by the time he discovers his love for her since I believe they’ll break up.

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